Monday, November 21, 2011

Remember commercial fabric???

It's been a long time since I went into my stash of commercially printed fabrics for bits and pieces to use in my "art quilts." I need to change out a piece that has been traveling with the Autumn collection this year (the entire Noble Seasons will be on the road in 2012) as I need the other back for my spring solo exhibition in Maryland which will feature all of the Fierce Winds series. So here's a bit of an autumn eddy which as yet has exactly NO stitching. I'm planning to add some more blank and maybe stitch with black thread just to darken it down somewhat - I mean there is such think as too much fun, right??!!?

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Just got this piece back from a touring exhibition. It represents the layers of time from the cave wall to the animal bones to the linguistic symbols (and terminology). Pen, stitching, paint, applique, use of the embellisher to add some dimension - all this contributes to the overall image.

Monday, November 14, 2011


There's a nice photo of my laminated piece Sea Grass on the Palos Verdes Library website. The opening was a bit quiet, but a lot of patrons will see the work over the next couple of months. I'll be picking up three newly framed laminated pieces tomorrow and will post them here later this week.

Monday, November 7, 2011


I've been experimenting with materials that will withstand the elements - fiber folks don't have a lot of choices when it comes to outdoor art. Here's my MONSTER made with a range of products from the Big Box store! Much more to come in this series!

Round Robin

This is my response to two other pieces of contemporary embroidery from two other participants in our 5 Strands round robin. I can't publish their work until we are all done (25 pieces over the course of 15 months) but here's my latest. It started with dyed silk and was built up with lace and a wide range of ribbons, threads, metallic bits and then running stitches. Of course I ended up with my fabulous metallic flake paint!

Aerial View

This piece now has a name - Aerial View - thanks to various suggestions that were emailed to me. It is now done and has just to be stretched over a frame by my AMAZING framer Colleen at Kathy's Frame Gallery in Torrance, CA. I was down for the count with flu last week so am just beginning to finish a lot of pieces that have been waiting so stay tuned!